[IMG] Has anyone got one of these? Are they any good? Any shopping recommendations?
I've got a Japanese wisteria that is about 6 years old (I think?) has stretched about 6' in several directions and is branching freely. I can see...
I have the stump of a weigela that I must have chopped down 15 years ago but it has resolutely sprouted every year ever since. I have tolerated...
I know people here have got Crittall greenhouses, any feedback on quality? This is actually a goodlife one which I believe may be Crittall and is...
I locked my keys in the boot of the Fiesta on Saturday. The car was deadlocked. Eventually a locksmith managed to pick the door lock, so the keys...
A good life well-lived, I'd say. A refreshing change from the run of the mill politician, more principled and with great integrity, unafraid to be...
Time to prune the vine again. I'm thinking of cutting out the old fruiting arms and replacing them with one year old shoots grown last year. Does...
I'm just gloating over my 6 new packs of giant lily bulbs - or "Tower" lilies as described on the packet, by Prinz plants. I guess "Goliath" is...
Heavily influenced by learned philosopher & forumite Professor E.E. Scrung, I am hoping to develop a new personal philosophy which I have named...
My beloved old wooden greenhouse will need replacing soon. It's starting to lean backwards.I've just had a cursory look at prices of a metal 6x6...
I notice that a clump of bergenias, and maybe a few other things, has got irregular nibbles out of the leaf edges. Tell me it's not vine weevil!...
I was out this morning and my snowdrops are already showing white. I've got some primroses as well though they are often a law unto themselves...
Hi all, The BF has bought a Mira Eco showerhead to fit onto my rather ancient Triton electric shower. However, on reading the small print it says...
About an hour ago I was looking at my laptop while drinking a cup of tea, as you do, when suddenly the cup of tea leapt out of my hand drenching...
I'm just choosing sweet pea seeds and ideally would like to buy single colour packets. Can anyone recommend a single named variety they have grown...
You know that bar on the RH side of the screen with a little arrow at the top and bottom to make things scroll up and down ? (If it has a...
Yesterday afternoon my internet connection was dreadful, so slow as to be virtually unusable. The signal strength was on around 4 bars, fair. This...
I work for 4 hours a week, year round, in a large garden. This includes, A veg plot with about 15 raised beds, 3'x5' each, with grass paths...
My lovely expensive (if I hadn't bought it on Ebay) Graef toaster has gone pop after about a year of light use. They cost about £85 full price so...
I've not got many choices as regards plant protection in winter - basically it's a.In the spare bedroom - not desirable from my point of view b.In...
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