I recently purchased a rhubard root that I purchased from my local plant shop. It was one of those that are in little plastic bags of earth sealed...
I'd like to my veg off indoors in a seed tray but wondered are there vegetables do not like being moved onced germination has begun
Opps I meant 50cm!! :WINK1:
Whoops! I guess its about 500cm tall and about 35cm in diameter (ish)
I have got hold of one of those grow bag/sack thingies for growing potatoes in but don't know how many seed potatoes I can grow in them(?)
Thanks all.yes, I was talking about the packet stuff you can buy in every supermarket. Most have to be made up in pint quantities of water and...
How long will this last once some has been made, ie by adding it to a jug of water etc?
60!?!? Wow, well hope they all show!
I planted some last year but as yet no sign. Is there a depth they must be planted in order for growth or do they skip a year before appearing??
Thanks for the replies. I'll chop it back a bit although its actually only small at the moment.
For some reason the leaves on my chilli plants have turned a sorry pale green. Some have yellow speackles on them. Does anyone know why this would...
I just wondered, are any of these submersed or do they all float? I've selected a few but they are all 'floaters' so would like one that sits in a...
Many thanks for the info and links, I'll check them out
Thanks, its just going to be a small wildlife pond. :)
I've dug my mum and small pond, roughly 1 metre sq, and wondered what plants I could put in it or around it without swamping it.Thanks :)
They were Duke of York, I think.
I thought I did but the soil was a little dry deeper down. Would that have an effect?
I used a grow bag and topped up the earth as the plant grew higher. I dug it up today but was disappointed to find poatos had only sprouted at the...
Many thanks, I'll have a go up opening it up. If you dont here back you know it went a bit wrong!! ;)
I've accidentally cut through the power cord of my mum's Black and Decker hedge trimmer thingy and just wondered if anyone knows if its possible...
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