I was thinking give it a good spray of weedkiller when there are no vegetables in the bed then cover it with black plastic sheeting and leave...
It look's like Oxalis although I have never heard of it see the enclosed link the second picture is what I have in the bed so what is the best way...
Have just taken these photo's hope they help
It does not look like grass as it has no height it is just like a red and green carpet and it does not get any taller.Will try and take a better...
In my allotment I have a few raised bed's but one in particular has the same problem every year.Last year I cleared all the soil out and put in...
Our neighbour has some lovely Honeysuckle growing against our dividing fence and it comes over to our side.I would like to put some on our fence...
I planted 5 cucumber seeds and all 5 germinated and they are now growing on well.I have transferred two into their final pots but have 3 left...
As I said I do have another batch which will not be ready for at least a month.Could I not plant the first batch and see what happens and if I...
My runner beans which are in pots are now quite high and ready to plant out.Would it be ok to plant them out.I have the plot ready and the canes...
I have just created a new strawberry patch and have planted some strawberry plants in it already.Would it be possible to take the strawberry...
I seem to be having a problem with my Asparagus.This is their third season so hoped to be able to harvest some.But recently I have noticed that...
As I had some spare space in my allotment I decided to make a new raised bed.I decided to empty one of my compost bins into it.It only took half...
I have a tray of potato's in my garden shed chitting and the sprouts are now quite long as they have been there now for about six weeks.I went up...
My asparagus is now in it's 3rd year so when would I expect to see the first sign of the new shoots.I cut them down to just above ground level in...
My raspberries are Autumn Bliss and I cut them down in October but now they are starting to grow again.Do I just leave them to grow or is it too...
I would like to grow some tomatoes on my allotment as this summer while I was walking around having a look at what was growing there seemed to be...
They are Autumn Bliss which is a Autumn variety
I have just cut down my raspberry plants just all the old one's.There are quite a few young one's growing a couple must be about 12" tall do I...
For the last couple of years I have had a problem with my potatoes and end up putting most of them in the compost bin.When I dig them up most of...
Could someone tell me when is the best time to cut down my raspberry plants which have stopped fruiting and how low do I cut them,The variety is...
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