I have now tried to create this post three times and keep getting this message can someone tell me what it means..Some tags were not valid...
I want to sow some Brassica seed's ie cabbage.kale,broccoli and sprouts.Will it be ok to put the seed trays/pots onto shelving in my unheated...
I am trying to create a small wild garden down the bottom of the garden and have planted the following flowers.Narcissus,Tulip,Dwarf Iris,Dwarf...
I planted some sweetcorn in small pots and put them in one of my heated propagators.Most of them are now over a inch high could I now put them in...
We are trying to create a wild garden area at the bottom of the garden and are planting several types of flowers.My wife would like some bluebells...
We have just finished using last years onions and I have my onion sets ready for planting but can I plant them now or wait a bit longer.
Would it be ok to plant them in the pot and then put them in my unheated green house untill there is no more chance of frost and then bring the...
I have just bought 2 Lilium bulbs and 1Dahlia bulb the pack says plant Lilium Jan onwards and the Dahlia March onwards I want to put these in...
I have just bought some Lilly of the Valley there were five in the pack.I have now put them in separate pots and they are in a unheated...
I have just been taking a stroll around my allotment site and noticed that a lot of strawberry beds were just full of brown dead leaves.With my...
I would like to plant some Iris bulbs in a spare area at the bottom of the garden that has all been prepared.I have bought some Iris bulbs and...
I have three electric propagators which are on the shelf.I did put manure on the beds in October and last week spread fertiliser on a couple of...
Forgot to say that I have some fleece I can use if there is frost around.
I have several raised beds ready to be used they all had manure put in them in October left for a few months and then mixed it all up with the...
I have a 12x10 garden shed with a shelf which runs along in front of the windows and wondered if it would be ok to plant some lettuce seed in pots...
I have had a Braeburn Apple tree now for several years and never really got much of a crop so last year gave it a good prune and this year loads...
Is it possible to plant thing's like Kale,Cabage's or Broccoli now if I plant the seed's in toilet roll holder's and put on a shelf in front of...
My sunflowers have now all died off and I was wondering what to do with them.I know the bird's like the seed's so was thinking of hanging them...
I went to our local garden centre yesterday and took a few samples of my raspberry bushes and they said it was probably a fungus. and suggested I...
Have never bothered with nets and have always had a decent crop.Strange last year had hardly any apples but this never seen so many.Might be...
Separate names with a comma.