Thank you Wise Owl,I will double check the pots (though I have been naughty and put 2 roses in 1 pot, so 2 pots of 2 and 1 pot of 1 roses)The...
Names of the rosesQueen Elizabeth Pascali Peace Arthur Bell Scarlet Queen Elizabeth - (One that looks dead)Pots: Big round (30cm from Memory)...
Hi all,I have planted 5 x bare root roses in pots a few weeks ago.3 are growing madly (1 from a new stalk and not any of the branches)1 has...
Hi Val, no I would have waited until the autumn to prune. Though I have read some people suggest pruning while it is still flowering
It looks very much like Leylandii, has it produced any cones ?
Thanks nFrost, I have edited the Title but I would of thought that there would of been some sort of Solved flag etc, all I seem to do is enter text.
Erm... how do I mark this topic as solved?
I have planted this plant a couple of years ago, in what I have just found out is the completely the wrong place for it. It is by a north facing...
Thank you Madahhlia :) Good thing I planted it a couple of years ago by a wall then .. hehe
A very quick one here, I know it should be obvious, but what plant is this?I have now started to be clever and write down what each plant is....
Are you sure that is not the name of the pills I should be on .. ? lol :roflol:
I know that the lily beetle is the scourge of lily growers, but you really have to wonder at their camouflage. Most pests have colourings or...
Could be Wild Hyacinth
Thank you WiseOwl. Lots of good helpful advice there. I well make sure I take good heed of your advice next spring. Hopefully I will have years...
Peonies have compound leaves, and those look like simple leaf forms. So I am guessing it is not them..
I would be inclined to let it grow. It does look like a very interesting plant. Also what looks like a Lupine next to it does not seem to be...
I do have the rose in a very large, deep pot and as I said it does seem to be doing well at the moment. But I guess from what you are both...
You did help, you helped me look in a different direction :)
Not sure the leaf distribution is correct .... Mine has 6 leaves per stalk, 3 per side
Separate names with a comma.