My second palm, which is dead, lost all of its leaves in a week and looked like the stump in the picture. However it still had a growing part and...
Curious to know what sort of cutting you would take, Pete. Don't think the leaves would work as they are very fine and I don't see how you could...
This was the original text Pete:"Brighamia Insignis, the Hawaiian Palm, is a critically endangered species of plant, and with just seven plants...
Thank you for all the support. Its devastating when plants die, especially endangered species but getting advice and information from people with...
Your correct Nigel, its pollinator was a particular species of moth that's now extinct and there are only about 5 palms left alive in the wild. I...
Thanks Pete and Longk. I have 2, one of which has just died - a heart-rending occurrence. The other is still hanging on. I do like them but not...
Has anyone had any luck growing the Hawaiian palm Brighamia Insignis? For an endangered species there seems to be a lot of them around and an...
Hi Pete, Thanks for the thought. I'd already looked at the link you gave and there seems to be quite a lot of diversity. The small crab apple...
Hi Everyone, Thought I would send you a few photos of my nectarine tree. The first is of the tree itself (in front of the greenhouse) and you can...
The tree has red leaves in spring that look like the red leaved peach tree called Crimson Bonfire (see picture). For all I know it could easily be...
Thanks Miraflores. I purchased this nectarine as a 30cm twig with roots. It came with a similar sized peach tree that flowered and produced fruit...
Hi Everyone, Thought you might like to see how much my fruitless nectarine flowers. If only I can get it to produce normal fruit this year. Thanks...
This looks like its going to remain a conundrum for now. I'll feed it and keep an eye out and see what happens. Thank you all for your advice.
This is giving me a lot to think about. I hadn't noticed the fruit before as they were small and there were plenty of leaves. At least some of the...
Hi Pete The nectarine tree is bout 10 feet tall and growing in the garden. Unfortunately, I can't get the picture to load.
Thanks Kazzawazza. Do you have a source of organic potash you can recommend?
I have a nectarine tree that started as a thin twig and is supposed to be self-fertile. Its a tree now and bears many pink blossoms each year but...
Does anyone have any experience with growing bamboo in pots with regards to how tall it can grow? I'm looking to use bamboo in pots as a screen...
Thank you for your comments spruce. I don't think my lilac died of a disease. It was an old tree when I moved in 35 years ago. I don't know how...
Thank you to everyone for such a warm welcome. I'm living in North London and over the last few years the weather has been pretty mild even when...
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