I wish to redesign my back garden so that it looks a little less like someone threw it together one night after staggering home from the pub. It...
Yeah, was thinking I would have to hood the jets - it can't go on the leaves - they will get too heavy... I just tried a thing with the hose -...
The plants are in five gro-bags arranged in a U shape (one at the top, two down each side...) - would a lawn sprinkler on a timer work? Although...
So I have 15 gardeners delight in the greenhouse - far too many for a 6x8 space and they are going wild... I also have some in various pots and...
I was thinking about a photograph... but that would be too embarrassing... the raspberries were three canes the same... now some are fruiting now,...
So when we came here three years ago I planted some strawberry plants I brought with me - about five or six - in an enclosed bed around 2m by...
Beautiful... :)
I'll dig a few out of the middle first maybe - to be honest I haven't seen any dirt or soil in there for a while - it is just a thick mat of...
You mean ernes? :cool::biggrin:
Not something I have seen before, but there are some weird and wonderful beasties... the scarlet tiger caterpillars cover the borage, white crab...
This has been here longer than we have - lovely sprays of blue flowers for an albeit limited time... however, the million dollar question is, can...
Orgyia antiqua on my plum tree... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
It currently resides in the top left corner... the garden (use the term loosely...) is difficult to describe and some pictures may help. I am...
So a few more pictures of some great thing up in the corner... :DDo I leave it? Trim it? Burn it? :D
ha ha aye... and one of my vines... the other one, though poorly, has struggled through and looks much better this year... :D
Thank you very much for that - yes, they are definitely Gardeners Delight. last year I had five plants one side of the greenhouse, and five...
Last year, I grew some gardeners delight tomatoes that I bought from homebase. They were delicious and I ate the last one off the plant in January...
Learnt something here... :blue thumb: I assumed the fungus was already on the tree and just needed some moisture to burst into life - I din't...
I'll see what I can do... :) The last pic was actually quite an attractive thing - very thin stems with lots of variegated leaves and little white...
Looked it up - that's the baby alright... at the moment it has no room to flourish, so it is one straight stem - but the lap fencing between my...
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