Hi Andrew, Welcome to GC! also fascinated by the Chinese culture, have visited HK twice during the last two years and am hoping to persuade the...
I think that is the problem! to much spread. People see the attractive plumage and think they wont grow. Still I have passed on the comments and...
Thanke Geoff. just about mirrored what I thought. Do gardens for several pensioners/widows and they all seem to have massive magnolia trees in the...
Hi again, I have been asked on a couple of occasions if I knew how to prune magnolia trees and had to admit I didnt! can anyone shed any light on...
Thanks Jurrasic will look out for RHS and gen up on pruning etc, Have just found out my trusty conference pears now have brown rot, I just cant...
Point taken Pete, Havent got a propagator but will look around for something to serve as one, have stopped watering them so sand will be allowed...
Hello again Pete had the misfortune to knock out one of the cuttings and when removed it had no roots so was and is a bit worried. The "cuttings"...
Thanks Helofadiger and manderson60, we spend just about every evening sitting watching the birds in the aviary with a glass of wine firmly stuck...
Hello Jurassic and Palustris thanks for the replies, I acknowledge the desperate need for land drainage and as previously stated I did try some...
Hi mef thanks for welcome, have put up a couple of troublesome areas on edible gardening and propergation forums, it would seem from various...
Thank you for the link MF have bookmarked the page for future use, I will stop overwatering the cuttings and hope for the best
Thank you for your replies LoL/Pete/MF/strongylodon, I was worried re rotting in wetness of sand as the area they came from has virtually no soil...
Wow, it was easier than I thought, sorry for lack of title
I was given twelve cuttings approx six inches long from four different coloured bougainville? shrubs and told that I was to put them into builders...
Hi Jurassic, thanks for your reply! sorry if my problems have irritated you? in reply the trees were at least twenty foot apart and the apple tree...
Hello Josephine I dont know if I'm jealous or not re your ring necks, they are good to look at but very noisy at the best of times. I believe they...
Hi Erin If your cookers (apples) have brown spots on them and maybe the leaf has blackish spots you may have the on onset of spore disease (Brown...
Hi Palustris you are right as far as the "sump" effect! I planted an apple tree and decided after four years that it wasnt healthy enough and...
Hi Walnut you are right, have bred most parakeets but not lineolated
Separate names with a comma.