I love fuschias! I have a few in my garden, unfortunately, due to me being a complete novice, they are hidden in the middle of other flowers!...
hi rosa, now that's what I call neighbours! My neighbour went shopping the other week and brought me back a peg-bag! I had been keeping my...
thanks jay, I'm just going to collect the seeds and try again next year!! 'If at first you don't succeed'!
Thanks, Liz. Next time I go to Tesco/Asda (probably Monday, as is my wont) I'll pick up a pot of basil.
thanks, all of you, I look forward to being a part of this "set"! I'm sure I'll have loads of questions for you!
hello to you all. I fould gc by accident a few weeks ago and registered right away, I'm still trying to find my way around, so I'll hope you'll...
I bought a minature sunflower 3 lovely flowers and a lot of buds on it. Could someone please tell me what has eaten all the leaves and why the...
I dont feel the need to ignore anyone either, life IS too short! Windy Miller, I love your icon.
What a lot of work you have put into your garden Gardenangel! I love your pool, Congrats!
I have been inundated with flies this year, a neighbour says it's because I have a tub of sweet peas outside my kitchen door! Could this be true?...
thanks to all of you for the welcome.....I'm off to Scotland for a couple of weeks now and have left my other half with detailed instructions re:...
thanks for the welcome windy miller, I didnt know how to place a message, that was my 3rd attempt! I know computers about as well as I know my...
hi all,I'm new to all this and hope you can give me the benefit of your experience. This is my first year as a gardener and my seeds have all...
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