Not sure of the proper name LoL,we call it the Snowball tree.I think it is from the Viburnim family .Thanks for the remarks on my avatar I...
Hi Daisy2 welcome to the friendly site
No the Cymbidium didn't live but look at the little critter that did live and took off with relish.[img]Just like topsy (it grew)
I have discovered a lodger in one of my wall baskets and I'm hopeing to get some photos of her without disturbing her . She is a beautiful...
This is a picture of my Blush Bramley which was in full bloom in early April.[img]as you can see it blooms all over
My orchid which recently bloomed, it was so lovely.[img][img]What is the best way to cut and re-pot the two extra plants that grew on...
Hi Pip welcome to GC I hope you enjoy browsing the site
Hi Fancy,at the moment you are the last one. Everyone is so friendly on this site and I am begining to find my way around slow but sure .I am also...
The tomato plants are looking good cuz
Hi cuz, your peach tree makes mine look small,but mine will grow. All is well here, missing you both, we have Ipswich friends coming this week-end...
Hi gillian62 a warm welcome to GC I also love Fuschias
Many thanks Paladin I will get to it straight away
I will heed the advice and leave the clean out of the pond seeker of knowledge, yes there are baby fish in the pond they are about one and a half...
Hi Penguin welcome to GC(from another Beds browser)
to GC(from another Beds browser)
Hello Foxglove ,I hope you have as much enjoyment out of GC as I do
When is the best time to clean a pond out, mine is in dire need of immediate cleaning but I have lots of fish in it and they have produced baby...
I have four acers ,three are beauties but one is leggy and spready so information on pruning will help me also
Hello Tam welcome to GC ,have fun with all of the members
Hi Geordie a warm welcome to you,loads of good information is available here in GC
Separate names with a comma.