well i didn't say it was in this country did i? in fact if you read my post it's quite obvious it wasn't in this country?
well it wasn't just the potato patch.. and we didn't only eat what we grew.. but my mother still says if it wasn't for the allotment we'd starve...
I've got this lovely plant that's been sitting in a pot waiting for its hour for a number of years and now I've just planted it out. The story...
Well. I may be. But I spent 15 years of my childhood and youth hepling my parents fight Colorado beetle EVERY. SINGLE. SUMMER. They have a...
I'm going away for 3 days and I'm a bit worried about the plants in my greenhouse as the weather's forecast to be really hot. I don't particularly...
Sorry it's really hard to tell from your pics what the scale is but I'd say - just think of how big you want them to grow and allow 1-2 cm between...
Oh please do Matthew, that's exactly my problem. I'm also regularly fighting off aphids on my house plants, but because they're small and portable...
well then, as I said it has to be kid-safe (and by proxy, bird, pet and nosy neighbour safe) so organic is perfect! I honestly can't see how...
You know what this is about Ziggy, it's simply the EU/EEC protecting capitalism. They want us to buy stuff, rather than get by with whatever we...
No, I didn't say that plant eating is safer than vomiting, what I meant is, if you eat something bad your body expels it by a variety of means...
Well they've now banned cough and congestion medicines from use in under 6-year olds, although it's still perfectly fine to give them a pint of...
In Mexico, they use cow dong as fuel. Stinks but works :dbgrtmb: I've made wallpaper paste from cornflour and essential oils, am I gonna be...
well, a family member who runs a distribution business got approached (more than once!) by companies selling equipment that converts rapeseed oil...
absolutely agree with many things you say, but I do think chemicals are (generally) a lot worse than pebbles or even plants. Many so-called...
Ah? Wha? Soaked garlic against EC law?? Where's this world going, Ziggy? BNP not against EC law and garlic is?? :runhills:
Well maybe it depends on the area, but I do find my local homebase MILES cheaper than b&q on most things i buy. Also my local b&q is quite small...
yeah I know thanks, but my wormery came with one so I'm using it. I'm not spending money on any more of these, oh no, this old trick won't work...
Has anyone got a recipe for general purpose pesticides/funguicides made from non-toxic ingredients? I have to be very organic, not so much as an...
some info on different forms of control here, including non-pesticide methods Colorado Potato Beetle
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