I think the second plant is an ox-eye daisy. It's a wild flower, let it flower and it will happily seed itself and come back next year if you're...
Looks promising, I might even turn up in shorts. You have been warned.
A few more from the Trunky patch today.The herbaceous border is really coming into its own now.[ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]...
Planted out eight sweet peppers in the greenhouse; four red ones (Beauty Bell) and four orange ones (Kubista). I haven't tried Kubista before so...
Looks like an elder. If it's in the way, you can cut it back as hard as you like, they're as tough as old boots.If it's not in the way, leave it...
It's a laurel Gwen. :blue thumb:
Had quite a productive day pottering about doing this and that.Mowed and edged the lawn.Planted out the first of the sweet corn and sowed the...
You've got a nuclear compost heap? :yikes: :runforhills:Couldn't help noticing Zigs, there's a fork with no handle in that photo. What do you...
Morning all, we've had a decent rain here at last, one of the water butts is full and the others are coming along nicely. :hapydancsmil:We're...
I'm not sure Linz, but the leaves in the first photo remind me of Burdock.Sorry, no idea about the other plant. :noidea: :redface:
A bit of general pottering about this afternoon - pulled out the odd weed here and there, not many about as it's been so dry here, removed a few...
Mowed and edged the lawn, just to tidy it up really - there's hardly any growth at the moment as it's so dry.Sowed some butternut squash and my...
This evening's sunset. :)[ATTACH]
Just done the usual round of evening watering and pinched the tops out on the autumn sown broad beans as the blackfly have appeared.
Gosh, that was a stroke of luck Sheal. :biggrin:
In the fields at the back of the property at work there's a small hill. It was cold, cloudy and windy up there today, but this brightened up my...
You're wandering around a war graves cemetery in northern France, pondering on row after row of headstones, after visiting the grave of a relative...
Pottered about in the greenhouse for a couple of hours - planted out the tomatoes (six Beefmaster and two Gardener's Delight), sowed courgettes,...
@Snorky85 I'm sure you will find it a very moving experience and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have ensured he is not...
Separate names with a comma.