Love that garden @Busy-Lizzie, thanks for posting the pics.Any idea what that blue flower is in the top right of your 2nd lot of pics?
Our little cat hated going outside to poo, used to come in thro the cat flap into the porch, use the litter tray then go back out again. We think...
Great stuff @AuntyRach and very well deserved I'm sure.We liked Northumberland too but it's quite a few years since we went. Enjoyed the Poison...
Afternoon everybody, firstly belated birthday wishes to @Busy-Lizzie, hope your birthday lunch is enjoyable. @redstar, welcome back, glad you had...
Spent most of the afternoon digging out leaf mould from Bin No.2 but found to my annoyance that feeder roots from a nearby bush had sneaked under...
I planted my birthday bush at last, a Deutzia rosea Cherry Blossom that OH bought me back in July. It's in the main bed by the side of the drive...
Evening everybody, good to hear from you @Badly_Maintained but sorry about your and your neighbours health concerns. Do hope your dog will be ok...
I managed a hour's tidying up in the garden after the window cleaner had finished, pulling up dean annuals, deadheading roses and cutting back...
Morning everybody, to our surprise it's a brilliantly sunny and fairly warm day so far. My daughter's been out for a walk and to fetch the daily...
An amazing project with great attention to detail.
I think they've got the same name but there are ornamental quinces which aren't edible and some that are that make good jam, not sure which I'm...
Take it easy @Busy-Lizzie, you don't want to do your back in again!I've just posted (or tried to) about a dozen pics of our Compton Acres trip...
We visited Compton Acres Gardens in Poole, Dorset on Wednesday. It's an interesting and varied garden built in a steep ravine overlooking Poole...
Afternoon all, thankfully we've had a rather nice, dry and sunny day here after a chilly night. Enjoyed a leisurely morning then daughter and I...
Hello folks, sorry, I've been too busy gadding about with my sister to post much and but have managed a quick read back. We had a good day out...
Hello all, glad you had a good journey back @Busy-Lizzie. Our ground is saturated after almost non-stop heavy rain since last Wednesday night....
Evening all, we actually saw some sunshine today, just a bit around lunchtime. By the time I got organised to get outside it had disappeared and...
Finally saw a patch of sunshine today - hurrah. Feels like it's been raining for ever.Everything's so saturated though, I can't do much outside....
'Professionals' was usually taken to be those people who often had gone to university and had gained professional qualifications, i.e. doctors,...
Are you not allowed to snooze? Apart from the constant BP checks, OH was able to doze some of the time away. I hate being in hospital, as you say,...
Separate names with a comma.