I've just a voucher from our local GC @Busy-Lizzie, plus one for a free drink if you buy a cake, so a great incentive to pop up there soon,...
Hello folks - what a day! We've had torrential rain all day, it's been really horrible and the poor smart meter installer has just spent four...
Hi @Loofah , I used the Gripple wire system several years ago for a wisteria and found it very good. The main stockists now are Rivelin Glen Products.
Morning everybody, I'm pleased because the scales showed more weight loss today. It's steadily coming off. I walked 3 1/2 miles this morning...
Good news @Liriodendron, let's hope your camera behaves tonight. Have you heard lately how the little ones are doing in the rescue centre?I...
Morning all, a drizzly day here after quite a warm night so didn't sleep too well.OH was signed off at the clinic earlier, surgeon was very...
That's hard work @Busy-Lizzie, we've only got brambles in both front and back hedges so reasonably easy to keep under control with a hedge...
We too, had more heavy rain overnight and it's been drizzling on and off all day so no gardening for me which is just as well as I woke up...
I agree with Busy-Lizzie, dig it out, it's too old and oddly shaped now to ever look very attractive and personally I would never plant a red...
Evening all, got back home earlier in the middle of a thunder/lightening storm with torrential rain, fortunately just as we came off the motorway....
I agree with @pete, we've been here for 17 years and have never managed to eradicate bindweed despite years of trying.
Evening everybody, our day started out sunny and warm then gradually turned cloudier and cloudier. Thunderstorms and heavy rain forecast for...
I agree with all that @Robert Bowen. We've got brambles in both front and back native hedges so not a hope of digging them out, just keep cutting...
Evening everybody, sorry I don't seem to have had much time for posting lately, There's so many posts that by the time I've read through to the...
Afternoon all, warm and muggy here with one short, sharp unexpected shower just after we got back from our usual morning walk. Decided to have a...
Gosh, what a lot of varied back problems, sympathies to you all. Odd, what works for one person doesn't work for another but then again, we're all...
@ViewAhead and @fairygirl, I can sympathise with your back problems as I suffered a crushed vertebrae at waist level following a peculiar fall...
@redstar, have a fabulous trip and keep us posted if you can.
Very tidy looking front drive @Sheal, I like the shrubs against the wall as well.After the rain stopped late morning , I took the opportunity...
Morning everybody, woke to a fine drizzle which has now turned heavier so morning walk to fetch the paper has been postponed for another hour. If...
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