Welcome Kev. I almost agree with Gaz (that is what GC is about, exchanging ideas) but I would wait a little longer before planting out. Gaz is an...
Helen. How dare you imply some of us are nutty. We just have a keen sense of humour. [img]Welcome to nuts' corner sunshine. :D
P.S. Sorry. Can't help. I have a couple of fuchsias but they just sit in the garden and have done for years. But they are a lovely shrub. ;)
How do you spell Psssscchhhttt? What threads have you been following Ming? I know the shrubs and veg ones. :D :D
Hi Harleydee. Welcome to GC. Bark chippings act as a mulch and will slow weeds down but you do need to lay them a few inches thick. At least 3"...
:D :D :D
Hi Earthy. Welcome to GC. I see Walnut has already looked after you.
Posted by Shiney: The thing that gets me is that you usually don't have to play it yourself. If you are over 60 the 'Jobsworths' of this world...
David you cheat. Your c r a p is spaced out.
That is no problem Bashy. In either case.My lowest recorded this year in the g.house is -1. I only put it in just before Christmas but caught...
Yes. It was the gaps Borrowers. I really have nothing set up so please go again. Take your time and put a stinker on. You'll get there. Honest.
I think it is the head of a nylon sweeping brush.
Penny. If I remember Ontario - once it's gone, it's gone. We haven't had snow for weeks. But now they tell us that this weekend - snow. [img]
Bashy. As it is under glass it will be pretty frost free even in the middle of winter. It won't be warm but it will not be frosty. The dahlias? No...
F. T. T. Colonel Blood.
Julia get yourself a puya if you like spiking. Now that is a real sweetie. Google it if you aren't sure.
Yes sorted. i just happened to be on this thread as it sorted.Kathy535John do you still remember the 30s?'I don't even remember my 30s. :D
I use 600 width by 216 height at 96 dpi.
I've already consulted my solicitor. [img] :D
I convert my cartoon strips to .gif format. That way they only take up about 50k.
Separate names with a comma.