I thought Whiskey with an E referred to Irish whiskey? Can anyone enlighten me? And while we're on the subject of orchids I was telling the...
curves is goooooooood. Well, that's what the Asst.Est.Mgr tells me when I'm worrying about my wobbly bits!
Claire - I have a real, honest to goodness, issue with my weight. So much so that it took me a long time and a lot of support from the Asst....
hmmmm, now I was thinking about having something similar. I did some research on t'internet and found this rather useful article....
ooooooo Arabis - do you have the white flowering version Dendrobium? [img]
I bought my dendro worms from Tadley Angling, near where I live, and a very friendly bunch of chaps they are too! They're happily munching their...
hello chaps OK, so I'm signed up to study the RHS certificate at night school now, but I also want to study garden design specifically. I've had...
Stez, what a great idea! I hadn't realised that they needed pinching out, either - so I learnt two new things even before I've got out my of my...
Elaine, they look like an Asiatic lily to me, but I'll happily defer to someone else's superior knowledge!
lilies do seem to be extremely hardy blighters! I think they'll be fine as they are, although you might want to give them a light covering with...
I started my basil off in a heated propagator, waited until it had germinated and then put it on a sunny windowsill. I shouldn't give up on your...
I think sometimes we are far too hard on ourselves! When I look at my garden all I can see are the faults. That bed needs weeding, that patch...
has anyone done this? I've got some Gaura seeds which have germinated and are growing nicely, if a little slowly. I often see shrub seeds for sale...
well, this thread appears in the edible gardening section, doesn't it? Or have I sniffed too much rooting powder lately? :eek:
Gosh, I didn't realise that Choisya was edible. Which parts of it can you eat?
Um, I can't find any details about this plant anywhere! Did you mean a Musa Velutina - an ornamental banana? :confused:
OK, so could I ask what sort of lawnmower I should invest in? I'm happy to put my redundancy money to good use! My partner and I are keen...
Thank you, really, thank you so much for your help and suggestions! Do you reckon I can do this right now? even with my limited experience? I...
Morning all [img] I'm fed up to the back teeth and beyond with working in a corporate bear pit, for numpty idiot managers and with work shy...
how on earth did your worms escape?!
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