potting out kolkwitzia earthdigs
why would you carry a camera for that better in adoggy bag.
must over rule everyonelaws
was nearer ghandi think as you get older see things in a different way.
that is a good idea do you know where they were from would like to try them.
lovely plant yes remember good life loved margo dont make progs like that mores the pity.rember when you talk to yourself or your plants there is...
thanks to all for your interestin candie took her back yesterday on tuesday her blood suger was 27 which was very high yesterday it was 16 come...
if only we could turn back time i would be sweet 16 put would iwant to be dont think so.
frogesque hope you have agood holiday and will you do us afavor bring the bl...y sun back with you or you cant go again..
good luck
fast and straight toshop
liz just to let you know how we went on with candie we have got to inject her once aday take her back tomorrow and saturday morning then next week...
first in front timeteam
was just thinking same dendrobium.arms would not ache as much with one of those.
thanks liz vet phoned this afternoon to say she is diabetic will need 2 injections aday she is a westie got some think else as well but was to up...
had to take my dog to vets yesterday because she was drinking a lot more water than usual.took some urine of her to test her blood suger was way...
dont ever speak rudeswea
Go on karting today...wish
sure they are taking a break and not going to make a break over fence???? reminds me of my lads when they were young always need to go at wrong...
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