I have conifers needing to be reduced in height by half and know there is some rule about not cutting them during nesting season... Help......
Can someone remind me when we are allowed to cut trees. I think its NOT between some day in March and and some day in August. Help
Once I figure out how to LOL
Ive been and looked at it again.... he's an old friend and I cant get rid LOL Will price up glass and fix him up :) I know that I would miss...
Was wrecked during the recent high winds :( a lot of broken panes. Was wondering how expensive it will be to replace the glass. Its a second...
Looks fantastic :) Will try to put up a picture later, forgot the other day !
Noooooooo !!!! Too late :( This Buddleja is no more.... after closer inspection there was only a few new shoots growing from one stem, last...
Will post picture when I get home :)
It gets the sun in the morning and some of the afternoon In there is ... Buddleja, Pieris Forest Flame, 2 Hostas, 1 Hardy Geranium, 2 Spirea, 2...
The shoots are very long... must try to do something with them :D Turtles sound good LOL
Any suggestions appreciated .... The border in my front garden which is along the fence with my neighbour is full of roots from various shrubs...
Is it okay to cut back overgrown willow 'shoots' at this time of year ? Its a willow arbour which has been a tad neglected and the shoots are...
All plants requiring hair cut are done :D All dead annuals removed :D All perennials chopped back and can now see new growth :D Weeds... the...
The sun is out and its quite mild :sunny: making me feel like spring has arrived but I know its probably just fooling me LOL I have been out...
Oh Heck..... this means I now have to go into the shed !! I may be gone a while !!
Okay .... Initial survey shows I am a bad gardener !! Hangs head in shame at even using the term gardener !:cry3: But..... all is not lost...
Day off work Yay ! So.... I'm dressed like a farmer in my lovely designer Lidl wellies with the fake fur top and I'm going to brave the...
In a word .... Life !
It cant come quick enough for me, have had a rotten 2011 and am really looking forward to getting started in the garden this year :)
Have been given a lovely Mountain Ash Tree. Could anyone tell me how large it is likely to get ?
Separate names with a comma.