thanks PeterS, I thought I had attached one, sorry seems im a novice on this laptop too. I will try again
I am a complete beginner in the garden and would love to know what this is growing there. I have been told it could be Hollyhock. The leaves have...
thanks guys, i cant wait for it to flower now, im like a child waiting for christmas morning :)
[img] is this pic any better?
hi there, i used my camera phone to take those shots, but i will try your recommendations now, and upload another pic. thanks for that, much...
thanks marley farley, someone else has just mentioned the cosmos plant to me also. could you also tell me how to get a clearer/better pic up on...
thank you so much i will do, do you not think it is the nigella, love in mist?
im so sorry the last thing i want to do is upset anyone. i dont have a stroppy bone in my body. i never ment my message to come across that way...
I posted a clearer photo to try and determine this plant! I did state that the pic was just of one leaf. What can you suggest i do to solve this.
hi lovage these plants are currently about 9 inch in height, they have grown a couple of inch in a few weeks. they are made up soley of the leaves...
i don't think it's a burning bush....i've attached another pic of the individual leaves.:thmb:
Can anyone please identify this plant / flower ???? It has been growing in my garden now for about 4 weeks. Thanks
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