to Grinch, I saw you have had success with lupins. I've recently encountered 2 young grown lupin red rums from I have just...
Hi, there, my cotoneaster cornubia shrub leaves go brown, dry and the from tips they start to form holes. Why is this? My soil is a loamy...
My lavartera shrubproduces pink flowers, has started to droop and the leaves are drying out, what is the cause of it, just after the frost. Is...
Marley, Thankyou! And for preparations for next year.:luv::luv::luv:
Good morning! I wondered if anyone would be able to explain why my shrub lavatera x rosea has stopped producing flowers. Only planted in...
Gardeners, Thankyou! :ntwrth:
In the baskets, I am having problems. I am using water cannister, can that over water plants? How much water, should it be wet, and soaking...
When you are tidying the garden, while shovelling, do you find evidence of intruders being in your garden. Does the toilet mess vary. Do...
Goood evening, can anyone help me? My lobelias are mostly dead, and few blossoming. I have trimmed the lobelia, and watering daily, and in...
Good evening. Does anyone know of an weevil insecticide to use in garden soils not only containers. Moment they are knawing at my buddliea, good...
Dear wiseoldowl, It's appreciated, dearly, Michell8151 :o dearly
Daithplant, I have sent photos of the leaves with holes appearing overnight. Michell8151. :cnfs::cnfs::cnfs:
Lovely evening. I wondered, does anyone explain why buddliea davidii is producing lots of holes in the leaves and growing ones. It was...
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