I'm sorry guys. I should of been clearer. My Wisteria is grafted just don't look like it is. I know the reason there always grafted but I've been...
Thank you. I'll take some photos to upload if any one is intrested.I don't like grafts because I try to have my trees (I'm a bonsai...
Any one???
Thanks for the link I am definitely gonna give this a go.
Hi people. I have returned to this great source of information for some advise with a long searched for Wisteria.I have been looking for a...
Thanks every one. I'm a little reluctant to putting willows in as I'm worried I will lose the little sun I get from a fast growing willow. Dogwood...
Thanks I'll look for one the weekend.
Thanks Eddie but they went down today. Hopefully the creoseal will do the job. I did think about that but was worried about when the sun gets on...
Doubles up as a swimming pool in the summer?
I would like some advise and suggestions on some thirsty shrubs and trees to help with my poor draining soil.I've got good soil but its only...
Will pyracantha survive with very little sun in the winter months. I've a fence at the back of my garden I wish to train something up and I'm keen...
Hi all, I've a large pot containing bamboo. I don't know which varity but can check the weekend if really needed.I've had it in the...
Welcome Nicola. I'm like you new to the whole gardening lark but getting better. At least now I've learnt that you need to water in the summer and...
I guess it depends on your garden. Mines tiny so a few shrubs and trees will do me I hope.
I feel your pain. I'm trying to raise the height of my garden half a foot to combat the flow of water from the neighbours either side who's...
Welcome to the boards Galore, I to am from Dorset, namely Verwood just outside Bournemouth. Where abouts are you?
Yea I thought that. Not going to go to those extremes as my tiny garden don't warrant it as I live very close to a clay lake so am guessing 4'...
I'll take some photos when I'm finished which should be the weekend. I've made a start putting my bonsai bench in so have got to get it done soon.
Thanks Dave.There the old treated oak sleepers but were pressure washed some time ago and then left without any treatment so have rotted a...
Thanks for the feed back. My worry is that my garden can become very water logged in the winter due to the layer of clay it sits on. I've a foot...
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