Hi everyone! I come back to you one last time to keep you informed of the results I got yesterday concerning my paper; they are good! My...
You probably do not have to worry, my paper will not be published, it is very likely that it will remain inside a relatively closed circle of...
Hey everyone! I hope that everything is OK for you all. I am posting this comment today to inform you that the writing of the paper is going...
Interesting question, we should ask the next nun or monk we encounter... More seriously, I think that religion is more a matter of profound...
Sorry for the delayed answer, I have been quite busy these days, and I do not always get answer notifications by email, but here I am! First,...
Oops, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday earlier, but forgot it while thinking and writing about the discussion so... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jack!!! ^^
I agree with you two in the sense that I too have the feeling that women from my generation (18-25) are a lot more comfortable with swearing, and...
Actually, this time I above all wanted to insist on the perception aspect of profanity and gender... We talked about the fact that women may be...
By the way, shiney, you cannot imagine how lucky you are not having to sleep at least 6 hours a day to be productive, I would pay to be like...
Hey everyone! In order to fuel the gender and language conversation a bit, and to have your opinion on the elements I am currently investigating...
To try to keep the discussion about profanity and gender going, I take the liberty to quote the last question from Madahhlia: And the last...
I think that forbidden words, as well as every forbidden thing, are related to the society we live in, and to the evolution and ways of thinking...
Thank YOU Jenny for paying attention to this thread, and for your opinion and comments. I agree, and this is probably because of this...
I completely agree with you, and I have noticed it myself here in France too. But the point is that it is not only swearing which is way more...
Thank you for your remarks! Your idea of a "badness scale of gender-related terms" is a good one. It is partly what the study will aim at...
Haha!!! The Queen is probably a special case, but I believe this is probably something like that... Apart from that, as I said, the situation is a...
Actually, it may indeed be so, because of the usual speech habits people have. A middle class man may, as you said, say "Oh bother Jonathan" (haha...
Just to keep you informed of the evolution of the survey, I wish to tell you that I have started analyzing the data provided by the people who...
THANK everyone for all these remarks and discussions! As Dave W said, all these data are invaluable to me, and the opinion of native speakers,...
NO, it is absolutely not what I meant, and I am sorry if it is the way it was understood, I should have cared less about being concise in order to...
Separate names with a comma.