The main point is to not give up or lose hope. When I moved into my house the lawn was in a poor state. Over five hundred weeds (yes, I counted!)...
My vote would be for the Stihl MM 55 Combi System. Comes with dethatcher and aerator tools.Been using mine for five years now. Never managed...
You can always get a bad lawn back into shape. Earlier this year I made a classic balls up and sprayed a good amount of Pathclear (hardcore weed...
This is something I have only ever done once. It was a LOT of back breaking work.But well worth it in the end.I recently moved so am...
I sprayed Pathclear on my lawn instead of Verdone!!Total schoolboy error here. I really should know better.Now I have HUGE dead patches....
I also bought some lawn feed from ALS.How soon should I wait to use it? I did iron last weekend. I was going to leave it this weekend and apply...
Thanks for replying.My hands are now not so red - but I think that the THREE sachets of dye I used was now maybe a bit too much!!!I did...
Question for Pro Gard here.I followed your advice and bought a CP sprayer and some iron and feed from ALS.All good and good value too....
Yesterday I used my Stihl Multi System and gave the lawns the first scarifying of the year.Filled three big bags of dead grass.Front lawn...
Hello all,My program of lawn repair has been continuing.The deep green from the first good feeding a few months back has faded a little...
So, the Rolawn products certainly aren't the cheapest by any means.I used to have what I thought was an OK lawn, but several poor summers and...
Hello,Yes I have used the liquid feeds before to mixed results.I used a box of Rolawn and after a good 20 years of mowing lawns, I was...
Hello all,First time poster but have been reading for months. I think this is a really excellent forum.Have been renovating my lawn for...
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