Im not on the list :(
I have just done my clean down in both greenhouses and i use a steam cleaner, safe and very good for kiling bugs, eggs ect :)
Fine with me :) just be nice to get it moving again.
Not heard anyhing :)
If you would like i will take it over for you have done a few in the past on other boards :) Have loads of veggie and flower seeds here i can...
Looks much better than it used to must pop along as its just up the road from me we used to live 2mins from there.
We have been there every year for 6 years and camped there for a week but its getting very expensive so we missed it this year ! Its over 600...
Could i tag along please ???? i have loads of rare bean seeds ect done a few of these now and its great fun :),
I have a good friend who has just moved to W Sussex and is a pro gardener but does not charge a fortune, works darn hard and is reliable !!! I...
Are they ment to be a pompom ????? Hubby does show dahlias (and therefore i do to LOL. Poms are a tight round ball max 2" across i will see if i...
I have free tickets to go but just havent had the time yet but i MUST go !!! Thanks for the pictures the bee made me smile [img]
These i grow in a very gritty compost and then i put very fine grit on the top of the pot and sow the seed ontop of that and water them in then...
I thought i was the only one with slow growing hoyas :( i have two different ones in hanging baskets, they where in the greenhouse but i have...
I have two sins hibs in the kitchen and they flower all year !! i find they do like plenty of water and i feed them twice a week, this is a...
i find sedums and dianthus look good [img]
Hi, Just found you via a link posted on another site and liked the site so have joined up [img] Im mad as a box of frogs, love gardening and...
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