PepsiMaths or English :confused:
Good luck Elaine, I gave up using patches when we wanted to start a family, I don't think I could have done it without the help of the patches,...
Those of you who want to find more info on docking please see:
Rock :cool:chocolate..milk/plain :D :D
I am a student vet nurse, and I am totally against tail docking. In the first veterinary surgery I worked in ,we had to go with the vet and hold...
Hi, I have been given a Hydrangea as a gift, I am not really a Hydrangea fan, but this one is quite beautiful (cream florets or bracts) is it...
Stop licking imaginary maltesers [img]:cool: vaop
Inspector morse [img]sheets and blankets Or Duvets [img]
I have this one..its called Lonicera Harlequin [img]
lower quarters with Zips :D :eek:KMAT
[img] cdTissues or hankerchief [img]
Hello Honey bee [img] My tadpoles in my main pond seem to have left, but the tadpoles in my sink water feature have got...
My mother uses moth balls in her borders, she swears by them, the cats hate the smell [img]
Tall (gotta say that in case Mr Poppy33 might read this :D :D :DBeard or clean shaven (men not women ;) )
Would mothballs work ( not on Banana Man)I fear its too late to help him ;) but used around the plants you want to protect, my mother puts them...
Just had another thought(dangerous things thoughts) is your house new? our house isn't new but when we came here the house had stood empty for...
Have you got dog/s or have previous owners ever had them, just an idea, dog urine kills the lawn, even if you re-seed, unless you remove all the...
NO,NO, Technopuppy...not the concrete (thats the Prescot way of doing things) :mad:
I have tried the "organic quick fix" method as stated by Hornbeam..Have to say it worked a treat,and the birds did have a feast, only had to do it...
Oh Windy..this isn't the neighbour you mentioned in you earlier post( re- Liz and her border) you know ,the Roundup trigger happy one ;) Don't...
Separate names with a comma.