i'll keep that in mind. just making a list now, thankya all
well all my things have been dug up and eaten, except m y cucumbers which are still growing.. and they were all in abundance thanks to you guys....
of course, now i got the basics im eager for winter to start so i can actually start doing the whole garden and not just one little patch [img]
I know its been a while since i lasted posted here (heck, i was still at school when i did) but im not asleep and i wanted to tell you all that my...
im prepared for that, i've really enjoyed my first year of proper gardening, the graft isnt too bad either considering i used to dig alot as a kid...
had my first potato and bean shoots come a few days ago, and my onions are going well too! want to say thanks to you all who helped me, thanks to...
all the best mayflower, i know things will work out for you!! [img]
lol it is actually, im getting an unhealthy obsession with my plants, veg and seeds lately :D
lol maybe deer? thats good cos i live in taunton, but ill have a think about that, thanks
had my first shoots come through today, just wanted to thank you guys for your help [img]
sounds like a foreign name if u says it backwards, maybe the user was just trying to confuse us;)
--updatesorry to keep this topic going but i have just been informed that i am getting hugh, and the river cottage hq teams signatures! i'm well...
i recently took some cardboard and laid it over some freshly dug soil to keep the cats from doing their business on it, and to stop weeds from...
i recently planted some sage seeds in my ickle plant tub things (vocab of a true gardener there :rolleyes: ) and i was wondering how long i...
i know that hugh and a mate got sloshed while making a cheesecake? i would of loved to of seen that :D and yeah i have been there, its a great...
well at least it's stopped in the southwest for now, i wouldn't call it the harshest winter but then again i'm only 16! but it can only get better...
ok then, thanks alot! i love the pic by the way dave [img]
im expecting to plant my potato's in early to mid april, i have some seed potato's at the moment and i have put them on the window sill in an...
lol i bought all the dvds recently over a 2 month period, i missed the river cottage roadtrip though!! was really gutted it was meant to be really...
who else watches this? i think its one of the best programs/series i've ever seen, cook on the wild side too, just seeing if there are any more...
Separate names with a comma.