I've never thought about that before (using the old stone sink - good thinking batman !!I'm not 100% yet whether to do it or not, but my mum has...
I would love to design a rockery in my back yard. Just wondered if it was poss and what i would need to do.Any hints or tips would be greatly...
Cheers Nixon, will do.I've just ordered a beautiful rose from the Pockcocks site you mentioned. Expensive for delivery though! still hopefully...
Its like a cone shape thing, if you know what i mean? it just goes at the side of the front door on the wall, suppose it's pretty high.I'm just...
Thank you all for you replies!!The yard is south facing and tends to get the majority of sunlight (if there is any that is!) for the majority of...
Right then, I would love a climbing rose (bearing in mind that i only have a back yard) that would climb up my kitchen extension. I'd like for it...
How do i get my honeysuckle to obtain more flowers?Do i cut it back and if so where do i cut it back to and how much should i cut off?Any...
No way! what a small world ey Nixon? that's mad.Bet you miss it? i know i did when i moved away for a while. Different type of people elsewhere...
Thank you, the pool isn't that bad, things do grow you know hehe..I shall look forward to growing them again this year, love the smell.Maybe...
No problem Nixon, with pleasure. I'm in the Aigburth area of the pool, not sure if you know it?I'd love to have a climbing rose, any good with...
I ADORE Sweet Pea's and last year i actually managed to grow some to near perfection.I just wondered if anyone had any tips on them in general??
Sorry, (feel stupid now) What's a cosset?
Not from me,sorry.I find the Lager technique does work. you should try this, if only for a laugh. Almost immediately you will see the slugs...
O dear, should i bring the plant in during Winter? (please excuse my lack of knowledge, but as i said earlier i'm still learning)Thanks for your...
i'm on a roll tonight, so thought i might just ask how long are Clematis supposed to flower for? I have a beautiful one, but doesn't flower for...
O my word!!!! that's gross!!! i didn't realise that they ate EACH OTHER! foul creatures.
I only have a back yard, wish i could have a pond, that seems to be the best thing to get rid of the...went to say "little blighters" but some of...
That figure doesn't suprise me, they must mate like i don't know what! urgh, just remembered a wildlife programme i saw years ago where it showed...
Ha ha ha Your last message made me laugh out loud!!Thanks Mr Masdaisy...hehe :D
Send me some !!! i hate 'em. Have to get the other half to remove them....urgh.Your lucky having a pond. I love the tadpoles, so cute! There...
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