My major downfall is transport, I do not drive so getting round to places is a problem. I will try have a look through Freecycle and if I get...
Hey Everyone. :)I moved house last December into a small roadside cottage with no garden, I never thought I was much of a fan of gardening until...
Hello Roger! :biggrin:Thanks for the info, I have been undergoing a princes trust enterprise programme to learn how to start up a business and...
Had my first prince's trust meeting today, It went well but their are no grants at the moment so the only way forward is to get myself into debt!...
Hey guys sorry about not being on in a while, Been very busy with family recently so haven't had 2 minutes to myself!I have a weeks meeting...
Maybe up here in Yorkshire we are a few years behind in the 'green revolution' :P The closest thing to anything like this around me is a local...
Generally aimed at schools yes, but also have some interest from child minders of which something could be done on a smaller basis. I understand...
No, That will be why they aren't running. I will check them on my comp tomorrow, All it is is a square box made from plastic sheeting which the...
Thanks Aln! Great ideas :)I still hope to continue with the square tomato idea, But was thinking maybe at the same time have something faster...
Thanks for the quick reply clueless, What you said is true as the thing that inspired me into wanting to help kids was remembering growing a pea...
Hello everyone hope your all doing ok! :)Short story: I'm Chris,19 and my apprenticeship finishes in March and I want to start my own business...
Hey Kristen, I have been CRB checked but this was last year. Their is still nothing on my record but have been told that if you want to say 'I...
Getting a lot of interest from child minders/schools who think this would be great for the children. Spoke to my uncle as well and the local farm...
Already at making a facebook page! :) getting a lot of interest from child minders/schools who think this would be great for the children. Spoke...
Thanks for the welcome Dan, I'm from North England :)I am wanting to go into business with my uncle who has had an allotment plot for as long as...
What do you mean by the liscence? as in a selling liscence?
Hey guys, advertised my idea on a local selling page around my area! getting a lot of positive feedback and even got offered a landscaping job!!!...
Hey Pam, Thanks for the tip didn't know I could do that! :)
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