I've just bought some of this for part of my brothers Christmas present:heehee:.15 Minute Burn (Pocket Rocket) - YouTube
I decided to go for a fungi forage this afternoon as I noticed that it's really picked up recently and I could barely go 2 paces without spotting...
I've been asked allot this year what I want for Christmas (lucky me:D) and I've decided that if I'm asked then I will suggest a good bottle of...
This is a great advert:loll: reminds me a lot of the neighbours cat who used to come round to ours and scrounge for treats:sunny:Webbox Cats...
I bought 3 of them out of shear interest from the green grocers (they were only 40p each) and they were really ripe and they are the most amazing...
So what aquatic pets does everyone have? so far I have none:heehee: but I've been wanting to get an Axolotl for some time as I think there...
I've just bought my self one of these [ame]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Victorinox-Swiss-Army-Knife-Forester/dp/B000MLQOX4/[/url] as a present to...
Is anyone else a fan of Etsy or Folksy (Etsy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) I find their great places to get gifts for people:D I'm currently...
Dear ******** BOOKSI live in the UK and I've noticed that you have listed this book on Amazon.co.uk at £11.95 + £2.80 P&P but can I ask why you...
I've just bought 50g of Button Mushroom spores for a couple of bob on eBay (kind of a spore of the moment thing:heehee:) and I was wondering if...
This Cacti along with a number of other house plants appear to have been included in our new house when we arrived:oa) What is it? b) How do...
So I've just moved again... and the only real major problem we have is the smell:o the previous owner had two dogs which she let have the run of...
You start looking on Youtube for funny cat videos:rolleyespink::loll:Trololo Cat - YouTube
[IMG]This is going to be a Mafia game (Newbie Guide - MafiaWiki) but with a gardening twist I've seen this game done on other forums and it's a...
[IMG]Just spotted this on hotukdeals.com, Viking Direct are giving away a free tin of Celebrations with every order however they have things...
A few years ago I bought a large collection (over a decades worth!) of The Royal Horticultural Societies 'The Garden' magazines for an absolute...
[IMG]And before you think this is a joke take a look at the yahoo news article there completely serious:loll:Ben & Jerry's reveals new...
I had a chance to pop back to a site on the Isle of Wight near Ventnor where these plant's are known to grow and was lucky enough to get some...
All Content in this thread including the text from Wikipedia come under The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License which...
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