JPB - ah yes... Need to put a good thick covering of whatever you choose over the matting, whether it's bark chippings, or stones. Paladin - my...
best thing to do is to pick off badly affected leaves and to dust the others with green sulphur.Zeneca make a product called nimrod which will...
if you have cats anywhere near your house be prepared for your bark chippings to be turned into kitty litter. oh yes, those furry little monsters...
box always looks nice in a formal setting. You don't mention how high, or deep you'd like the hedge to be. What sort of soil do you have? do you...
perhaps there is some long acting feed on the market?
i wasn't sure whether we were allowed to put links to websites on here, i take it it's ok! [img]
fernatix are extremely knowledgeable about ferns - they won a gold at chelsea this year too! all manner of fern to be found on their website [img]
i can thoroughly recommend dryopteris goldieana (syn:goldiana) it has beautiful light green leaves, with a touch of gold, and in the spring the...
i think it's more likely to be caused by one of two things. if the flowers have appeared after an unusually cold spell they will come out green....
ah, yes - you like a challenge?as for the nigella seeds, don't despair, you can always sell them on eBay.RE: the rest of the garden, feel free...
i'm fed up to the back teeth with my neighbour's cats who use my garden as a litter tray. i get on well with them, but i can see a major ruck...
yup, it's love in a mist, i think the proper name is nigella damascena. it's an annual [img]
if it were me i would wait until the neighbour is either out or asleep and then sneak into her garden and dig it up just call me a rebel!
aha! i have lots and lots and lots of lilies planted, this might be a way to prevent next door's cats from pooing in my garden. I could never hurt...
oh lordy - i've just bought a salvia sclarea - and i loathe the smell of cat widdle :(
ooo, look what i found while hunting for unusual plants - this might do the twick!
if they're not harming the tree then i'd be inclined to just leave them alone [img]
what sort of teeth problem are we talking about here?
i'm looking at copper plant tags at the moment, and my guess is that there can't really be any issues with copper otherwise they wouldn't be in...
i'm dithering about which sort to go for - i know all my plants but i rather like the idea of having labels on my plants. Does anyone have any...
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