i made a rockery over an area where a bonfire was , it grew like a dream , but if too deep spread it out a bit and good luck
i'll have a look now cheers
bought an ophiopogon capucinno at a devon plant fair, it is lovely no one has heard of it, looked online nothing has anyone out there got it, had...
Good luck with your R.H.S certificate it is a good thing to do i know lots of peoele who have completed the course ;they say they enjoyed every...
Robinia psuedoacacia is a fine tree looks splendid up against a clear blue sky look for a variety called frisia not as vigorus
bamboos are excellent but not black bamboo will not tolerate exposed areas
went on a talk about diseases on elm, most elms they say are resistant soon lose out to disease it is when they get to a certain height they get...
plant centre and occasionally botany amazing place lunch in the gardens and all that it is a top job
i work there i should walk round a bit more really cheers pete
my raindance payed off it has rained, the plants look as if they are smiling i am anyway,no hosepipe and cans today not even my baskets are...
thanks for reply will let you know it has grown so quick lovely leaf structure reminds me of rhus typhina
i had an blue hibiscus which i moved in for winter it took o couple of years to recover i think they like to be outdoors all year give it a go...
was given an dahlia imperialis [tree dahlia]it is a triffid it gets to about 6 metres, blooms in late autumn, has anyone grown one and how hardy...
hello just a few ideas pittosporum tenufolium prunus laurocerasus [laurel] fuschia maggelanica cistus [many varieties] escallonia appleblossom...
it is what you say rust buy a fungicide spray 1.take off all infected leaves if all are infected take off worse 2.clear any old leaves on ground...
me again just been in garden some more ideas agapanthus headbourne hybrids but restrict pot size they thrive on being pot bound lemon verbena...
dierama need to be damp so do not let them dry out' acanthus in pots get mildew if they do tear off mildew leaves new ones will be fine, gaura,...
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