But I will just mention the well meaning kind folk who give horses grass cuttings... which can make them extremely ill and even kill them as cut...
That's beautiful!! We had 2 peacocks (the butterflies not the birds :D )in the garden today, the buddleia'a just coming out and the heads...
My OH went out on the scoot for a ride today and got stung in the face by a wasp ... not the most pleasant of things esp if you have a phobia like...
Yes Shiney, pigeon had some reiki off me too ;)Rescue rem is great cos if they can't have it orally you can just drop it anywhere where the...
Your expert help is required again people! First one: flowers (sorry the pic is a bit fuzzy)[img]..and leaf:[img]and this one,...
I went to Weston on Thursday, walking up the mud, oops I mean beach - some teenagers had fished a half drowned young pigeon out of the sea and...
I'm gritting my teeth and trying not to comment here, but it makes me so angry I won't even start :(
Our 'baby' gets walked at 5am anyway, and again at about 5pm, but in hot weather we wait till about 10pm - it's lovely walking around when it's...
I went away for 3 days, came back last night to find my echinacea has 4 lovely big blooms starting. Good for the immune system don't you know ;)...
My english lavender's gone absolutely mental this year - I bought 2 small pots and just dead-headed them in spring, they're both about 3 foot...
Isn't nature fantastic?! [img]
Looks like soapwort to me
They're mad! I also feel so sorry for the poor dogs who are dragged relentlessly round car boots every Sunday in the scorching sun, saves lazy...
Mmmm, I love courgettes, I could eat them every day! Mine are just starting to grow now and Im all excited, they're about 3 inches long.
Hedgie's back, according to my neighbour there's 2 of them, cool!!AND.......despite being nowhere near a pond, I have a new baby frog!!!!!!...
Well, I had a lovely huge white moth fly onto my sleeve the other night, said hi then left :D Meanwhile back in the garden... 6 pigeons (one...
Roders, make him a house from a flat stone over a dip in the flowerbed [img]
God they're cute arent they? [img] I'd like a massive toad, I'd cuddle him like a dog :D
I don't believe slugs/snails travel long distances back to where they were, that only makes sense if there's no food source where they are.
Waco they're ACE!!! How cute 'n' cuddly X 9!!! :D
Separate names with a comma.