I would like to cover up a wall in my garden which is on my patio I wondered if I would be able to grow a climber rose in a large pot to cover...
My freind and his wife have acute arhritus and they hold disabled blue badge to confirm this, they will unable to hold a watering can so how does...
I look after my friends garden from time to time because he as arthritus,his garden is like a back yard so he has a couple of small borders but...
My new fencing panels look great the garden looks so much nicer now, the guys who renewed the panels said that they were treated with paint at the...
Thanks I am off to my garden center to get the plants that are needed.
Today I renewed my fences I had seven new panels put in and I would like to cover them with a bit of colour I am very fond of clematis the summer...
My Choisya had a bad winter most of the yellow leaves have gone brown,should I cut it back after flowering.
I have a Choisya in my garden and it has grown very big so I would like to cut it back our far should I cut it and when is the best time to do...
I really am dissapointed with my vegetables this year,I prepaired the ground late autunm digging three trenches and filling them with compost but...
My Honeysuckle has lost all it's folage from the base of the plant upwards say about 3ft of non folage and it also seems to be spreading along the...
I am very dissapointed with my runner beans this year they are stringy and the outer skins are very hard the same thing happened with last years...
My Honeysuckle looks very healthy with plenty of folage but has no flowers to show for it,the same thing happened last year I am thinking of...
My container potatoes are full with compost and the foliage is about foot high should I wait untill they flower before I harvest them.
My containers for potatoes are three quaters full of compost the leaves of the potatoes are showing through about 2 inches high,should I fill the...
I have a small patch in my lawn which needs re-seeding about 2ft long 1ft wide I had some grass seed from last year which I sowed 3 weeks ago and...
My rose bushes were great the only problem is that the stems were so long and the best way to view the blooms was from my back bedroom window,I...
I wonder if anyone has grown potatoes in plastic containers I noticed in the paper they are selling 3 planters which produce 9lbs from each...
I have a area in my garden which is about 8ft long by 3ft wide I dug it over today and cleared it of weeds I am thinking of having a vegetable...
I bought one of these battery lawnmowers about five years ago and and it as not been a good buy for many reasons and now the blades will not turn...
I cut my Honeysuckel back really hard last autumn it looked quiet healthy this year but did not produce many flowers,should I leave it this year...
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