A few years back I saw in the grounds of a private property what I would call a Propogation Box. It was cube shaped, about 3' square standing on...
Rats have been raiding our compost bin recently despite us only using leaves, grass clippings & vegetable peelings. I guess they're after the...
Both earlies, Rocket, & maincrop, Sante, are affected.
I've been growing potatoes for 30+ years & can honestly say that this has been the worst year for slug damage. In previous years we've had some...
That crossed my mind but the soil is fairly moisture retentive.
Thanks for the advice folks, I'll pass it on. Regarding your comments clueless1 about a similar material that looks like asbestos. I take your...
Over the past few weeks a number of raspberry canes have died after appearing healthy. They all bore leaves & flowers then the leaves shrivelled...
Our friends have asked me the following question & as I was unsure thought I'd 'throw it open' so to speak! Last year they planted a Rhubarb root...
I was chatting to a friend today who has a large garden & wanted to put down some bark chippings - or similar material - to supress the weeds & it...
Thanks folks, this is just what I'm looking for - much obliged.
I'm looking to purchase a Mattock/Cultivator, one blade similar to an adze blade & the other a three-pronged cultivator but all I can find (in the...
Self-seeding PhormiumsAt first I thought it was a species of grass but it is now in its second year & I'm 99.9% certain it's a Phormium. Perhaps...
I'm hoping to plant one of these this year & would like any tips on the plants care as I understand that they prfer a sheltered plocation & need...
We've found a Phormium growing in our garden, obviously from seed and it's now about 1' high. I want to move it it a more suitable space before...
Over the last two years I've noticed some of the upper branches have died off & this year the bark on the trunk has started to split reavealing...
Separate names with a comma.