Planted some carrots yesterday Dave using your method. It's probably too early, but they're tucked up under fleece, so it's worth a try.With this...
I found that brugmansias grow very easily from cuttings and they grow so fast that mine flowered in the first year. If you can get some it's...
I think that sounds a much better idea,I'll try that this year, but I will also try just a couple in pipes just to see how it works. It does seem...
Has anyone heard of growing carrots in lengths of pipe (at least 9" should be above ground). 3 seeds to each pipe. Thin to the strongest. Water...
Has anyone any ideas how I can discourage my neighbours cat from using my mature cordyline trunk as a scratching post.(Now 10ft tall). It is...
Not sure if they do much damage.You get them mainly on cacti and succulents grown under glass I think.It looks like little bits of cotton wool,...
Thanks for that. I've just gotta get one!
Does anyone know where I could get a Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill'?
Looks like mealy bug. I was told to use methylated spirit on a cotton bud. Haven't tried it yet as I was not sure about it, so when I see any I...
Mine are in my un-heated greehouse (it is frost-free, 5 degrees is the lowest temperature)and it is bubble-wrapped. They're still looking good...
Yes, they are hedychiums. I love them. I would like to get them to flower earlier in the year if possible, as they always tend to flower well into...
If you have stems left from last year that have not flowered and still look good, should you leave them to see if you can get earlier flowers this...
There are 2 varieties.Cobaea scandens and cobaea scandens alba.Alba is a greenish white colour and doesn't change colour. Seed can be obtained...
I've grown it and I think that the flowers seemed lighter when they first appeared and grew darker as they matured.Very easy to raise from seed. A...
Thanks for the recipes Mona Lisa.They sound great. I'll try them at the next opportunity. [img]
[img] Here's a photo of this years chard.
Can anyone tell me why I grow swiss chard and then never actually do anything with it. I can't resist growing it as it's so beautiful, but never...
Love the watergoblin and the butterflies! Where do you start to learn how to do this? Any info would be appreciated. GF. [img]
Yes, it could well have been from a cutting as brugmansias are very easy to propagate, and don't they grow at an amazing speed! I've just brought...
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