did you buy them from a garden centre because if they were new stock it could be that they were not hardened off properly after being grown...
Can anyone confirm that this is a canna musifolia,(banana leaved canna) and if it is would it survive planted in the garden for the winter? It's a...
It was in a 3ltr pot,and about 2ft tall.It was a couple of years before it flowered.They grow at an amazing rate.I just went into google on the...
I cut my banana plant down to about 3 ft. I surround it with straw and then cover with an old water barrel with holes drilled around the base to...
I think that if you buy a wisteria floribunda it will flower a lot sooner than a wisteria sinensis. It doesnt grow as large either, sinensis is a...
I sorted the problem out by accident last night.I covered the white box with the mouse and dragged the box across the page This made the white...
Yeah, I thought the gothic one sounded very interesting! [img]
I cut mine down for the winter,and they always come back the next year. [img]
Yes, I've tried that. I've also tried drawing around it to try and enclose it in a sort of box and then deleting it but that doesn't work either....
I have aquired a small oblong box in the middle of my computer screen. It is white in colour and is extremely annoying as it's sitting in the...
49 - dreading 50!
Thanks for that Dendy. Fantastic website! [img]
i was weeding a border once and a yucca spike went into my eye, luckily in the outer corner, but that meant a trip to the doctors.Very painful! I...
I'd like to re-plant an area of my garden next year and wondered if anyone can tell me their favourite tropical plants,for the garden or...
The nursery that I work at have hardy cyclamen, a bit too far away for you, I realise, but we have them every year so I'm sure they shouldn't be...
Ah - you just wait and see. I'll get it right one day! Probably not any day soon - but one day! [img]
Sorry!How do I manage to get multiple photos? Still, at least I managed it at the first attempt. Gold star eh? [img]
Hopefully, here comes the colocasia [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Thanks also Fran. I think I must have been trying at the same time as your post.You must love us beginners!
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