I have two buddleias, planted on opposite sides of my garden shed. The one on the left hand side is thriving, the one on the right is growing...
Found an old pic of the garden, before we planted the cherry in the middle (happy to move that if necessary)[IMG]
Thanks all for your kind suggestions!I can't find my camera to take a pic at the moment (think darling daughter has nabbed it surreptitiously as...
Thank you! are there any shrubs you would recommend? I have a spare Buddleia and White Lilac lurking about waiting for a final home? Will get...
Hi :)we aren't terribly good gardeners, and we don't have a lot of money, but my dream would be to create a v. small cottage type garden out...
Thanks for all the suggestions, I appreciate them! Will post some pictures of the finished pots if they turn out nicely! God bless x
Um, the pots will be fairly small..just enough to sit on a kitchen windowsill type thing? some of the kids are young teens (13 or so), some...
I've volunteered to make up some growing pots as presents for some children a friend works with - little terracotta pots with a little bag of...
Thanks GCC, I will do, and hope for the best!
Hi Merle :) for sure, and I did do that last year, it was just because of the garden party in June, I wanted there to be something of substance...
Thanks to you both :) Just to be clear though I did not cut it back severely (I have done that in the past ) I literally just trimmed the tips...
Hi :) I have three lovely healthy Buddleia in my back garden which I adore, which I foolishly deadheaded in the spate of wonderfully warm...
Thanks for sharing all, that really is fab news to me!Ziggy, mine (not alpines) look very similar indeed - the weather it must be!
Well, I'm just a beginner..a very rank amateur..so I could only dream about endless propogation etc too..though I hope I'll learn a bit more every...
Thanks Fidgetsmum, that gives me some reassuring hope! I have a lot of plants (in containers) that I saved from the runners last year as I...
Thanks, I was worried it was because I had put fertiliser down in the bed a few weeks ago when maybe I shouldn't have? I had a good look at them...
Hi :)Last year I grew some strawberries in raised beds and they were fab, they are still there this year and looking lush BUT they appear to...
Thanks for your answers :gnthb: I don't know if it makes any difference, but the trees are just very young and so only about 4/5 ft, so I could...
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