Would be very greatful for any advice :luv:
What a fabulous programme..I adore it..I like rocket too :luv:
We've managed to grow these too, though my canes aren't tall enough..they seem to be a lot easier to grow than the proper peas which aren't doing...
I had 2 cherries on my stella and they have done the same :cnfs: This is the first year my tree has been planted (with me) though.
We have a pear tree, a plum tree, a cherry tree and an apple tree. I have noticed on two of them that they have been invaded by some kind of bug...
Thanks again WOO :gnthb: Just out of interest, how long would you persevere with the Roseclear before you decided it wasn't going to work?
Can I just ask, how often should I be spraying with the alternative organic methods? I know the roseclear is every fortnight, but not sure about...
I will do WOO :gnthb:
Thank you very much WOO :luv: I did look at the link before I asked, but I looked around on the net too and some said to chop the rose, some not...
Just beautiful..what a colour! :D
Some advice please :) Both my brand new climbing zephirine drouhin have got powdery mildew :((I'm dead upset). I am spraying with Roseclear,...
I've managed to break the growing tip (top inch of tendril thats growing with bud on end) off one of my climbing roses by mistake. I'm so cross...
Lovely :) I've managed to put up a rose arch and have planted 2 zephirine drouhin to climb up it - can't wait til they grow and flower! :)
I found our first bud this morning! It's amazing how far behind we are..lets hope the summer/flowering remembers to add on all the lost time at...
Thank you all very much, I appreciate it :luv:
Hi :) I'm trying to grow some potatoes in vertical growing pod things for the first time this year..the shoots are starting to poke through the...
Beautiful! still waiting for our first bud! Just wondering if I've done something wrong and we won't get any?!
Thanks for all your replies, Hostas it is then :D Alice, I was just looking at those begonias today too! I adore night scented...
In our back garden we are having some decking put up just at the back door to give us a nice flat space to put the table and chairs on (there are...
Thanks Woo :) I know exactly what you mean..I am incredibly blessed by my little garden and I thank God for it (having lived without one for so...
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