We do now have a pump [img] And the water is now clear (even bigger [img] !)Much dithering ensued on how big the pond was, but in the end we...
Thanks for that. Comes back to the volume of the pond, really, doesn't it. Are there any "soft" indicators as to whether the pump is sufficient?...
Our pond pump has pretty well died - had a good look at it the other day and the bearings are more or less trashed. So we need to replace it....
Dwarf flowering cherries can look nice - I got a weeping one that has blossom in early spring, and gorgeous autumn colour.
Resurecting old posts rather than starting new ones ;)1) Rodders - how fine a "fine net" do you need to dredge effectively? Are they easy to...
Hi Chris,welcome to the board :DHow big is your Lady Thumb look a like? There are so many fuchsia's it's quite hard to identify them all,...
Hi Mona Lisa. Thanks for taking the time and dig out that picture - it's one of the best I've seen in my hunting.However, I think maybe I...
Thanks both of you for replying [img] Believe me, it's not my first choice - but it looks like a solid mat around 2.5m x 0.75m I'm not sure I'll...
Fuschias are gorgeous :DLiz - is it possible your overwintered fuschias are trying to grow too fast in the spring due to the warmth of the...
Well, thanks to the advice I got on here and at my local aquatic centre, I managed to clean out the pump, both the filters and get the UV filter...
I've seen a few "how do I prune my vine" threads this year, and they've had some good links on styles of training / pruning that I've been looking...
'tis done and the pergola is all treated :D Wound up taking off nearly 2/3rds of it. The stems were over 1" across, but did seem to be...
That's just down the road from me :D . Must plan a trip down there....Sorry for not being clear. I was thinking of an acquatic plant basket...
Couple of weekends back our pergola got replaced. Instead of gently rotten and low enough to bang your head, it's now all new and tall(er)and...
How early are you looking for?You can get some stunning tulips - either put them in baskets (plant in autumn, lift the basket after flowering)...
If you really want to be optimistic look on www.metcheck.com..... ;)I went to Wisley with a friend on Monday - and got half drowned in a HAIL...
How clayey is your clayish soil?I'm looking to get an acer and was reading around. One nursery was on clayey soil and said they "mound" planted...
Sorry I've left this so long - got busy prunning (figuring we'd better do all the stuff we're going to have to stand on the lawn to do...
I'm not used to being allowed to type bitch without getting ***** back!Turns out I had slightly rosy glasses wrt the moss :( . Took a couple...
Wow - there's so much on that site. Should keep me quiet for a while ;)I'm a little worried about the murkiness, though. If the "glowing...
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