I am pretty sure that this is the same plant that i hacked down to the roots more than a year ago in my neighbours garden Never got the time to...
It might be Lonicera xylosteum http://www.botanicalkeys.co.uk/flora/content/species.asp?1833 Although not every photo I have seen ot this has...
I spoke to a civil engineer who specialises in land reclamation recently. He suggested that weedkiller could be injected into the marestail using...
THanks for you interest. Hope this helps. [img]
Yeah, my lid popped off at one corner too. This is the kind of plunger that came with mine. [img] It did start to smell at one point when I...
Did you press everything down with the plunger thingy? It is an anaerobic process. I think that some people cover the waste inside with a plastic...
Beware! I washed through (with water) a pile of red chips that I was given - barrowed from a neighbours driveway. The water ran into a flower bed...
I was pleasantly surprised to find that my Bokashi bin did not smell at all while keeping it in the kitchen, although I probably did use too much...
Thanks Ivory. It was a bit windy when I took the photos. If I find out what it is, or if it develops fruit or flowers, I'll keep you posted. It...
Hi Folks, Could this be honeysuckle? [img] It is almost 18 inches high. The leaves are an almost fuzzy velvet texture. No scent. [img]...
Excellent ideas, folks. Thanks. Would seaweed extract do for food? Do the roots just "hang" in the water or do they need a bit of gravel in the...
Hi Folks, I vaguely recall reading in a magazine that it possible to grow watercress in a container. Does anyone know how to do this? Any advice...
I added a lot of moss to my new dalek composter early last summer and although everything else seems to have broken down well it is still "full of...
Thanks Hornbeam & Frogesque Here is a pic taken this afternoon (not very good quality tho') Most of the plants are just starting to flower....
Thanks Frogesque. You have put a name to another flower in my garden. It grows wild although I am nowhere near the sea.
Thanks Dave, I think I will just leave them be. They seem quite strong. Wildflower - I have read some of your posts about herbs and wildflowers-...
[img] Giant Single, seeds from Aldi (fed every week with seaweed extract) tallest is about 11 ft. Should the flowers get a lot bigger? and should...
S. o. flora plena rubra? would that be the same but different? I think the one I have is beautiful - but then I thought that the (Spanish)...
I thought it spread by layering and possibly rhizomes. But the fact that it has spread so well in the last year could possibly be due to it...
Excellent! You are all brilliant. Thanks for being so helpful. I like the flowers too much to consider using the roots for soap. I remember having...
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