Hello all, after many hours of hassle sorting out my computer I have finally been able to post my update from last week, regards Steve....
Hi Timecharger, glad that I've helped remind you about the Brussel Sprouts, hope you have a great growing season ahead, regards Steve.
Hi all, it's been all go now with the better weather we have had over the last week or two, as you can see from my update I've been able to get...
Hello all, I'm sure you agree that it has been a very welcome change in the weather for us all, this has enabled me to get back onto the soil to...
Hi all, what a dramatic change in the weather!! hope that you are all managing ok in the conditions, it's frustrating for us gardener's but...
Hi Kandyfloss, lovely to hear from you again on the chat, yes I noticed that Oktarine has update his site as well, fingers crossed for the 23rd by...
Hi Oktarine, it was good to hear from you on Sunday night's chat, I haven't forgotten about your link request I will do it at the weekend, all the...
Happy New Year to you all, my updates are back for 2009 with a new Viewer's Gallery for fellow plot holders to share their photographs with the...
Hi all, just to let you know that I've posted my latest update on my progress with some useful information on Composting for you to utilise,...
Hello all, despite the weather I have still been able to get some things done at the allotments to let you know about, also the hens have started...
Hello all, I don't know about you but I'm getting really fed up with all the rain we are having, it just doesn't seem to have stopped this year...
Hi all, just to let you know that I have posted the latest update from my alloments, despite the time of year there is still plenty to do in...
Hello all, many thanks for the welcome back messages that you kindly sent, just to let you know that I have posted my latest update which I hope...
Hi all after a longer than expected break due to ill health I'm pleased to be back in action and back to doing my updates, hope that you have all...
Hi all, despite the weather being dreadful of late as far as a Summer goes most of the crops are enjoying it and the soft fruit harvests are...
Many thanks all for your kind replies, regards Steve.
Hello all, the excitement of harvesting your own produce is really rewarding and at the moment I have come accross numerous posts on the internet...
Hello all, I started my website in February 2006 as a way of sharing all my knowledge gained from more experienced growers and the experiences I...
Hi Kandy, its great to see your plots after hearing you talk about them, you have done really well with your heavy soil to get it into the...
Hello all, just to let you know that I have posted my latest update, it includes some information on the problem of manure being contaminated with...
Separate names with a comma.