Ahhhhh they are so cute [img] I love Spaniels
Hi Mims, I have sent you a PM to request your address so that I can forward to you some red valerian seeds [img] Poppy
Hi Morris28, J Bradshaw and son Busherfields Nursery Herne Common Herne Kent CT6 7LJ Tel...
depends on how interested Lucy is in the egg. If she isn't sitting and not that bothered about you putting your hands in the cage then she...
Hi Rosa, nothing to worry about, female cockatiels do occasionally lay eggs,without the need of a male. Some people like to leave the egg for the...
Hello Sallyj, the large rubber toys called "Kongs" (available from pet stores and vets) are very useful, they are hollow and you can fill them...
Hi Rosa, The veterinary staff do not get involved with condeming the owners.RSPCA inspectors may bring about a prosecution and we would supply...
Rosa you asked if we tell people off when their dogs require veterinary attention after being left in hot cars, the answer to that is no, you must...
Congratulations to you all :D And well done Mrs Webmaster..what hot day to give birth
We have had more cases than ever this year in our vets.People often park in the shade but do not take into account the fact that the sun will move...
Hi Wishaw, glad to hear of your plans for the cats..sounds a lovely idea, I am sure they will enjoy their new enclosure.I hope that you and the...
Thanks Dendrobium, think i will play safe and lift them for the winter [img]
echinops [img]
This year I have successfully grown my Hosta's as marginals in my pond..It has stopped them being nibbled [img] What I now need to Know is..Do I...
Pleased to hear your good news. Sounds very positive [img]
Wow, what an amazing photo.I think he looks really cute [img]
Antirrhinum (not sure if the spelling is right!)
Ahh, just lovely [img]
Rosa, if you need to dispatch of your fish humanly a person I know told me that you put the fish in a container or bag and add a few drops of...
red daffs :eek: can't think of anything worse..well yes I can, in the winter I saw Heathers that appeared to have been sprayed in colours of...
Separate names with a comma.