Thankyou for your kind words Lady of Leisure..I am very privileged to spend my days working with animal owners, they are always very nice people...
Hello and welcome to Eden. From Poppy33 [img]
Welcome from Poppy33 [img]
Hi Agapanthus,welcome from Poppy33 [img]
Rugby [img]Local butcher or supermarket
Student veterinary nurse..I love my job, its hard work , long hours but very rewarding [img]
After a 5 hour op I think I would be very crabby :( I do hope that your son is feeling a little better today, and making steady progress [img]...
Can't stand Monty :mad:1st Geoff Hamilton 2nd Chris Beardshaw 3rd Alan Titchmarsh
Very difficult to choose..such fantastic entries [img]1st Hornbeams Ragged Robin 2nd Wildflowers Foxgloves 3rd Marge Strawberries
Thank you DaveP, I think i will chance it and get them planted out..maybe take a few cuttings, just in case.As you said it is a very nice...
we have loads of frogs, and when it rains the lawn is covered in son is terrified of them(he is 16 :rolleyes: ) when he comes home on...
Lovely photos [img]
WOW, thats really cool :cool: for a minute I was transported to the jungle, lovely effects and great photos [img]
This time next year you have hundreds of little froglets..its amazing how they find the new ponds [img]
Many thanks to all those who took time to help with this ID question [img]
Dad's angry, really enraged :mad:STOP
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who is helping with the ID, I haven't a clue, so all offers of help appreciated..Do hate having plants and...
"well its back to the drawing Board" :confused:Thanks Jazid and Palustris, that does discount the Saponaria. These 4 plants were bought back...
whatlucky lads Steve and Banana mans sons are [img] my children have been lucky enough to have a dad that gets them involved with all sorts of...
Hello and welcome to Hugh Ball [img]
Separate names with a comma.