On a similar line, I too planted my bulbs in pots this year as we are sorting the garden out. Is it better to dig the bulbs out when they have...
Thank you walnut :)
Hi, Can anyone advise on my orchids please ? They have a fluffy white Aphid type creature all over them. I tried picking them off when there was...
Wow that sound a really great price! But whats the pound shop? is that its real name?
Thanks all for some really great tips - will try a few different ideas and see what happens - I can't do any worse than my previous attempts :doh:
I planted some late daff bulbs too - like you didn't want them to waste. I tried making a start on a two large drainage trenches but the ground...
Thanks Paladin - there were three in there. They are all nice and comfy in new pots now.
Thanks Peter - I like the small pot idea, that is one I will deffo try. Brought some of those today from the garden centre just cuz they were on...
Thanks Clair - you come to my aid once again - can I have you on speed dial? :lol: Did try something similar once but no matter what I do they...
I know I am a bit early here, but trying to plan ahead! I am going to try a raise plants from seed this year and have invested in a heated...
Thank you walnut. Will do that today - the kids will love being able to help with that!
Last September / October time I got 2 bags of Tete-a-Tete daffodil bulbs, but due to problems in the garden I was unable to plant them as I...
1) Would you ever use a website for a local garden centre? b) I would use the site to complement the centre2) What would be your most frequent...
Do you hire him out? I need a drainage trench digging - do you think we could train him to dig in a straight line :lol: May as well find a use for...
Thanks . . . .but er. . . .how do I do that (sorry if I am sooo thick here!) There does seem to be two distinct clumps - one on each side of the...
Hi, As some of you may have seen on another thread I am very new to gardening and am planning on revamping my own garden. Anyway while at B&Q...
:lol: did think of that kind of thing, but someone went and made a blinking law about it (apparently!) along the lines of you cant intentionally...
Hi, I am very new to gardening, but one of my most fav of flowers have always been Dahlias. I have purchased a few tubers, but if anyone had an...
blinking eck!!! that's some digging Peter!!! looks fab after though - well worth it, I bet. I hope by doing this trench work - think I will need...
That is some great advice guys, Thank You. Peter, the ground is what I can only describe as thick mud (so clay based I guess). It's the original...
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