Absolutely, ever seen a chimp type as fast as me, saleable commodity. [img] [img]
No pockets in my shroud so I can't take it with me. :DRob
Ahhhh, love you lots, thats the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a long while. :D :D :D
Hmmm, are you really really sure, its not a pretty sight.[img]
Are you sure you wouldn't like some of this at �£206 for 15ml?[img]
At that price, you should hae bought two, one to wear when the other is being cleaned. Shall I sort another one out for you?Damn, I can type...
Its not big enough.Rob
Yes, and she has me wrapped round her little finger. [img] [img]
Hmm, we may have to wait a while as this one says that we can only go if she can go and as it was her first day at school today, we will have to...
he hehe, I am easily led or so they tell me!!!Rob
But the yacht was in dry dock at the time. :D :D :D
LoL, the more the merrier. :DWe have all winter to cruise around, where do you fancy going?
ShineyThanks for the wise words of wisdom in dealing with the Babes, however cars devalue soooo quickly whereas memories don't.So, I might...
Yeah, toys, toys and more toys.And how are we this lovely muggy evening?Rob
Ladies, it has been a rather busy day.Interesting reading I must say, laptops, cameras and memory sticks, gone are the days of discussing soft...
Ladies, must say good night now, have a breakfast meeting in London tomorrow so need to be up early, but the silver lining is I will be back early...
Ahhh, a veritable triptych of ladies. [img]
Do I have to?? [img]Night Night.
My word, one of my schizo personalities has developed a seperate personality all of its own. I bet I am great fun at dinner parties, 3 for the...
My apologies, I am a man and can only do one thing at a time. :DI was looking for your birthday, did find Little Rosas birthday though....
Separate names with a comma.