Hi guys, My wife purchased this shrub for me a few months ago. It said 'Philadelphus' on the box and that it grows to 9' or so. I'm fairly...
Thanks guys, you've been most helpful. Cheers, Tree PS - I just found this link where the bottom pic on the page shows leaves identical to the...
Hi, I just picked up some shrubs from freecycle but would like to know what they are/how big they grow before i plant them. The first is a...
Thanks for the advice dd, it's appreciated and something I may consider trying. Cheers. Paladin - Many thanks for your kind offer. I have sent...
Hello, If anyone in or near the Oxford area has any garden plants that need a good home, please let me know as being fairly new to gardening and...
Thanks Bilbo. will follow your advice and leave it while it seems content :thumbsup: Thanks again all
Thanks guys. It certainly does look like a camelia, but I don't remember getting one as part of a load of garden freebies I got off freecycle last...
Forgot to say, I brought it in from outdoors and it was wet, so the leaves aren't quite as glossy usually. Cheers :dbgrtmb:
If someone could ID the following shrub, i would be really grateful. I have no clues as to what it is. Picture taken today (Feb 18th) Many thanks,...
Hello, We purchased a Viburnum Bodnantense Dawn from a local nursery mainly on the fact that it was a good few feet tall. We have noticed since...
Hello I found a branch of our Hebe had layered/self rooted so I cut it off and planted it in a large pot. It looks kind of silly though, this...
Hi Guys I need some Japanese Spurge, lots of it, so am willing to swap what i have . You can choose from Lavender, Weigela, Gaurra, - all newly...
Hello If anyone in the Oxfordshire region has any 'Japanese Spurge Pachysandra' I would be really grateful, as i need quite a bit of it....
Thanks Spruce I've been looking at the Japanese Spurge on Google images and it looks ideal, thanks for pointing it out, I'd never heard of it...
Directly in front of our North facing front fence is a patch of dirt around 25 feet by 4 foot, and then the public pavement. This patch of weedy...
[IMG] I hope i planted it far enough away from the wall, but the better half didn't want it sticking out on the path too much. I still have to...
Thanks all. I went ahead and bought a Montana Rubens. One thing i have found out since my purchase is that in its first spring it should be pruned...
Also, any 'support' recommendations would be appreciated. What is best for growing a clematis up a brick wall? Trellis or support wires? many...
Hello, I need a climber for the North facing wall of our property which is in constant shade. I was looking at variegated Ivy, such as Persian...
Thanks Ziggy. Far less romantic sounding than my wife and I had hoped for, but thanks for the ID all the same :)
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