I thought it was a bee-eater but looked wrong colours to me! Weve had loads of waxwings up here this year, i've even got waxwing poo on my car!! :yes:
Thanks, will give it a go! Thanks, one of my own photos from this year! No idea what yours is but looks cracking!
Thanks all, its going to be an exciting year figuring out whats growing in the garden, we have hundreds of bulbs coming up at the moment its a...
Thanks Zigs, things have changed quite a bit since I was last here!!
Hi all, I've recently moved into a property out in the country near york, my garden is always full of birds but i'd like to grow some plants...
Hi all, I was on this forum back in 2007 I think it was an a member kindly sent me a small moneyplant in the post. Well now its a rather...
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