Was thumbing through the general junk we get through our door on a daily basis and spotted a rather interesting idea in our local ad filled news...
Thought I'd brag about my latest charity shop bargain I got the "Journal of The Royal Horticultural Society THE GARDEN" magazine complete volumes...
This plant was in my auntie's garden in kent although she didn't know what it was the butterfly's seemed to love it:hehe:I'm thinking Teasel...
Just got around to Uploading some of my 240 photo's of Chelsea although I haven't put names to the plants from the Great Pavilion yet:hehe:...
I spotted this plant at chelsea on friday although it wasnt in one of the show gardens it was actually in the hedge row:rotfl::lollol:I have...
As most of you know Chris O'donoghue (a.k.a Boghopper) is currently exhibiting at Chelsea this year with his medieval herb garden which had a...
I had one of those spur of the moment impulses:idea: the other day and bought a specimen 10-15 litre Protea cynaroides online (daren't mention the...
I just thought I'd post to say that my BBC Dig In seeds had arrived although I was going to post on original thread but I can find it and it...
So who's going to Chelsea next week? I'm going on the Friday:yho:My teacher says that he never really liked it all that much (he prefered...
I've just learned that the key to making the filling for a banoffe pie is never stop stiring or answer the phone:hehe: I would post a picture of...
I don't know what I've done to it but blimey do I regret it:hehe: the knuckle on my index finger is about twice to size it should be and it's...
Ok this might sound like a stupid question but how the hell do you get a catalogue from these people???I cant find any information on there...
I dont know how this could be implemented but it would be nice to have better control of where images are placed as at the moment you dont really...
I spotted this the other day but it completely mystified me:scratch: as I'd know idea what it was, there appears to be a couple of small clumps of...
Thought I'd take a longer way home today from college through the woods (on the other side of near where I live:) not the smaller copse) and I...
I noticed the other day in my local copse that there's a small clump of white bluebells and with one pink bluebell in the middle but all the rest...
I'm going to get a second hand DSLR and I just want something to teach me the basics and explain all the photography jargon that I keep reading...
For part of my summer break this year I've decided that Id like to go spend a week in Cornwall looking at s many lovely gardens as I can fit...
I went on a short 6 mile walk about 2 weeks ago to see the Toothworts (Lathraea squamaria) in bloodstone copse on the Isle of Wight it was a...
It's the day after I had 4 teeth removed and the morphines now warn off along with the happy feeling:lollol: and I've just had my first of many...
Separate names with a comma.