I love this plant, but always though it too big for my 5mx5m garden. Recently I heard from several sources that you can train it against a...
No picture I'm afraid, just something I've seen in the past and now think might be good in my garden. I think it's a low growing, shrubby plant....
...used paper cat litter if there's no poo on it? ...those cornstarch wotsits used as packaging? Thanks!
We have a very small garden (5mx5m with a small side return yard) so we're struggling for space to put one bin, let alone 2. So, can it be done...
I have 2 areas for planting in my garden, a flower bed and a rockery. Neither of them has any plants for year round structure. I think I don't...
My border is quite ill planned and I want to sort it out. Would it be mad to dig up each plant now, while they're sort of dormant, and put them in...
Bought this at Tatton park show. It's been happily flowering away in a pot ever since. What do I do with it now it's starting to get frosty? I was...
So, I've decided I'm definitely going ahead with this. The plan is to put it in this corner, with a concave kind of shape like this. But, my Dad...
I have 2 problems in my garden and I think a rockery would solve them both. 1. An area of lawn under a tree that refuses to grow. 2. Lots of...
What else is there for winter bedding? I had both these last year and the pansies were a disaster-never seen so many little flies! Primroses were...
I would like to naturalise ivy leaved toadflax in a wall in my garden. It's brick, but in need of pointing, so there are plenty of crevices. I've...
Sorry for the barrage of topics-I went to Tatton Park show yesterday and have come back highly dissatified with my garden :( My border is...
We have a wall about 25' high at the bottom of your garden and I am thinking of growing a montana up it. The garden's too small to have one...
I bought one, never thinking to check, and have just read the label which says it isn't (in broken dutch-english!) I can't find info online about...
I bought a stunning blue hydrangea last year, potted it up in ericaceous compost and it gave me a long and fabulous display. This year, I have...
After 4-5 days of hard, solid rain, my campanula is looking a sorry sight :( All the dead buds have gone slimey and there's some proper frry...
We have apipe on a reel and it leaks where the pipe joins the reel. H has cut off the end and reattached, but it hasn't worked. I also have a...
I have been watering my whole flower bed with miracle grow since easrly spring, once a fortnight as directed. My delphiniums haven't produced many...
I would love a montana in white. But I have also seen the early sensation one in white and this is evergreen. Is it so free flowering as the...
I have this idea for garden furniture. You know how you can use a slice of log as a little stool? Well, I want to do something similar, but slice...
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