Stupidly, I didn't take a picture, so I'll try and describe as best I can. I saw it at Alnwick gardens, so is anyone going there soon? ;) It...
I bought one of these today and it says on the label 'lasts for one season'. Now, I'm sure I've seen perennial osteospermums? Or am I getting...
We planted a silver birch last year. It's about 9-10ft tall now. It has one main, central top branch which is really getting blown about in the...
I have quite a bad greenfly problem in my garden this year. My silver birch was absolutely covered! I bought some spray for it which has cured the...
I know this isn't everyone's idea of a great lawn, but I think they look lovely. How would I go about getting them to establish? Could I pick some...
A few Qs about these if anyone can help please- How big do they get? Are they just annuals? Are they really blue? Thanks!
On saturday (7th april) I planted nemesia, morning glory and sweet peas in a heated propagator. The packets all said 10-21 days germination, and...
We laid a lawn last May and it was lovely through the summer. In autumn though it went right downhill, we think due to shade. I am going to add...
I'd like a couple of these this summer with the 'blue' surfinias. So, 3 questions- How many surfinias would fill a cone of about 12" diameter?...
Anyone done this? Any sellers you can recommend(or not!) I was looking through and I could have spent about �£50 without even trying. So many...
My lawn is in a sorry state. After a previous post on here, I concluded it's because it's shady. So I intend to reseed with a shade tolerant seed...
I planted some snowdrops, daffodils and bluebells in autumn and they're coming up nicely. I want them to naturalise under a silver birch and...
I couldn't see a houseplant forum, so I hope this is the right place. I bought a calathea in oct and it did very well until a few weeks ago....
Well, here's the pansy I bought 6; the 4 planted in the bed are all like this, but the 2 I kept...
I too have a lawn with lots of bare soil and quite a few worm casts. Here is a pic and a close up...
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